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2021-07-26 11:23


Good morning, dear judges. I'm number 4. It's my great honor to have this opportunity to interpret my teaching design here. The topic of this lesson is “unit 3 language in use module 10 Australia”. According to the New Curriculum Standard, I will begin interpreting my teaching design from the following parts.

Ⅰ. Analysis of the teaching material
Firstly, please allow me to talk about the analysis of the teaching material. The unit is from new standard English published by foreign language teaching and research press, the first semester of grade 9. The main topic of this unit is the function of the relative pronoun that and the usage of attributive clause with that. After learning this unit, students will grasp one of the major

Ⅱ. Analysis of the students
The second part is analysis of students. Our students are in Grade 9. They have learnt English for many years, so they have got some basic skills of studying English. However, grammar learning is difficult for them and they think grammar points are bald and useless. Thus the teacher should not only provide them more chances to practice and use the grammar but also set interesting situations to arouse their interest in grammar learning.

Ⅲ. Analysis of the teaching aims
On the basis of the idea of New Curriculum Standard in English class, teaching aims consist of three teaching aims, so I set following aims:
First one is knowledge aims:
Knowledge aim:
Students can understand the function of the relative pronoun that.
Students can grasp the usage of attributive clause with that.
The next one is ability aims:
Ability aim:
Students can describe a place with attributive clause.
Students can discover the rules of attributive clause with that under the teacher’s guidance.
The last one is Emotional aims:
Emotional aims:
Students will increase their curiosity towards English grammar.

Ⅳ. Analysis of the key and difficult points
Now, let me talk about the next part ---- key point and difficult point.
They are:
the usage of attributive clause with that.
how to apply the attributive clause with that to describe a place.

Ⅴ. Analysis of teaching methods and learning methods
After above analysis, I will talk about the teaching methods and learning methods. According to the New Curriculum Standard of English, students should be the main body of instruction activity, so I’ll mainly use “Task-based teaching method” to embody the first place of students; besides, I will also use “situational teaching method” as another main teaching method to arouse students’ interest in grammar learning. As to the learning methods, I will encourage students to finish tasks individually and cooperate with others

Ⅵ. Analysis of the teaching aids
The following part is the analysis of teaching aids. The teaching aids that I need include multi-media, pictures, and tape recorder.

Ⅶ. Analysis of the teaching procedures
Here I begin to present the most important part – analysis of the teaching procedures.

Step 1 Warming up and lead- in:
The first step is daily greetings and inviting them to observe the sentences we’ve learnt before and get a first impression of the new language point. All the sentences are included in a funny situation, which is a love story between Tom and Lucy.
Tom is the man that loves Lucy.
Tom is the man that Lucy loves.
Beijing is the place that I love to visit.
The purpose is to catch their attention and arouse their interest in grammar learning.

Step 2 Presentation
The second step consists of two activities. I will let students to read the passage in Activity 1 and underline all the sentences with that.
Bondi Beach is the most beautiful beach that I have ever seen.
It is a huge, wide beach that is very popular for swimming and other water sports.
The hotel that we stayed in was right on the beach.
It makes sure that students know the basic structure of attributive clause with that. Base on the principle of new curriculum standard, students should know how to learn English and master some self-learning strategies, thus I will lead them to conclude the meaning of attributive clause and the function of relative pronoun “that”. I will let students to discuss the meaning of the sentences with “that” in pairs by answering the following questions:
a Who can paraphrase these sentences?
b What does that refer to in these sentences?
c What are the functions of the relative pronoun?
They may share their answers in five minutes. The first sentence means that I have never seen a more beautiful beach than Bondi Beach, the second the beach is a huge and wide one, and it is popular for swimming and other water sports, the third we stayed in a hotel, and the hotel was right on the beach. In these three sentence that refers to the most beautiful beach, a huge, wild beach and the hotel respectively. The function of the relative pronoun is to refer to the noun or pronoun before it.
Inductive method is used to understand the significance of grammar point. They may have the sense of achievement after understanding the grammar point by themselves and build up the confidence and desire to learn grammar.

Step 3 Practice
Ask students to complete the conversation in Activity 2 and share their answers.
Step 3 aims to apply what they have learnt above into practice. I will ask students to complete the conversation in Activity 2 and share their answers. After completing the conversation, they can master the structure of attributive clause with that and function of relative pronoun that.

Step 4 Production
Describe a city that they like most with their group members and write some sentences about it, with at least three attributive clauses with that.
Step 4 is to provide them a chance to output what they have learnt in step 3 and deepen the impression on this grammar point. In the meantime, I can check whether they have mastered them or not.

Step 5: Summary and homework
At last, it’s the summary and homework. I will ask students to summarize the grammar we have learned is in this lesson. The summary can let them review the grammar point again and consolidate it. The homework is to collect more information of their favorite cities and describe the cities with attributive clauses with that. It’s close to their daily life and students can be motivated to search more information about their favorite cities.

Ⅷ. Analysis of the blackboard Design
Lastly, let’s talk about the blackboard design. I will design my blackboard as follows; this could help students to understand the important information of this lesson clearly.

That’s all for my presentation, thanks for your listening.


Teaching aims:
Knowledge aims:
Students can understand the function of the relative pronoun that.
Students can grasp the usage of attributive clause with that.

Ability aims:
Students can describe a place with attributive clause.
Students can discover the rules of attributive clause with that under the teacher’s guidance.

Emotional aims:
Students will increase their curiosity towards English grammar.

Teaching key points and difficult points:
Key points:
The usage of attributive clause with that.

Difficult Points:
How to apply the attributive clause with that to describe a place.

Teaching procedures:
Step 1 Warm-up and Lead-in
After greeting the students, invite them to observe the learnt sentences and get a first impression of the new language point.

Step 2 Presentation
1 Read the passage in Activity 1 and underline all the sentences with that.
Bondi Beach is the most beautiful beach that I have ever seen.
It is a huge, wide beach that is very popular for swimming and other water sports.
The hotel that we stayed in was right on the beach.
2 Pair-work: discuss the meaning of the sentences with that by answering the following questions:
a Who can paraphrase these sentences?
(I have never seen a more beautiful beach than Bondi Beach
The beach is a huge and wide one, and it is popular for swimming and other water sports
We stayed in a hotel, and the hotel was right on the beach. )
b What does that refer to in these sentences? (the most beautiful beach, a huge, wild beach and the hotel)
c What are the functions of the relative pronoun? (refer to the noun or pronoun before it)

Step 3 Practice
Ask students to complete the conversation in Activity 2 and share their answers.
Strp 4 Production.
Group work: Describe a city that they like most with their group members and write some sentences about it, with at least three attributive clauses with that.

Step 4 Summary and homework
Summary: Ask students what they have learned in today’s lesson.
Homework: Ask students to collect more information of their favorite cities and describe the cities with attributive clauses with that.




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