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2021-07-20 09:37


1. 题目: 语法-强调句

2. 内容:

A: Nina’s car got broken into yesterday, did it?

B: No. It was Michael’s car that got broken into!

3. 基本要求:






It-cleft sentences

Teaching Plan

I Teaching Aims

Knowledge aims

1. Students will recognize the it-cleft patterns---- It is/was... that/who...

2. Students will know the grammar meaning for emphasis.

Ability aims

1. Students can use it-cleft patterns to give information in their own daily speaking.

2. Students can adopted the targeted grammar into their writings.

Emotional aim 

Students will have a positive attitude towards different language rules and will try to comply with them in their daily practice.

II Teaching Key &Difficult Points

Key point: 

The key point for my students is to master the usage of the targeted grammar, such as they will know at what kind of circumstances “that” in this structure can be omitted.

Difficult point: 

The difficult point is to apply the it-cleft sentences more frequently in their own speeches and writings. 

III Teaching procedures:

Step 1: Warming up

Design a mental game, and ask them to identity whose car got broken into. Play the rolling pictures of 7 different people in their different cars, at the same time their names will be presented on the pictures. Give them 50 seconds to observe, and show them the black broken car and they need to identity the car. After checking their answers, uncover the truth on the blackboard. “ It was  Michael’ s car that got broken into!”

(Justification: The mind game is a little bit challenging and it will quickly attract the students attention.)

Step 2 : Presentation

Taking the sentence on the blackboard as an example, underline the structure model and explain the grammar meaning to the class: the information that comes after it is emphasised for the listener. The clause which follows the it-clause is connected using that and it contains information that is already understood. And invite them to tell us from the above sentence,what kind information is already knew? And what kind information is new and emphasised? 

Focus (new information): it was Michael’ s car

Understood already (old information): a car got broken into

And then box “that” in the sentence and tell them we often omit that in informal situations when it is the object of the verb.

After they get the information, I tell you them that it is said that a man broken the car. And ask them to use the structure to give the new information. 

It was a man who (or that) broke into the car. 

After they give the answer and I will teach them that When a personal subject is the focus, we can use who instead of that. Then I tell them that the video shows two teenager broke into the car. And I will invite them to give the new information using the it-cleft model.

It was the two teenagers who broke into the car.

Next I will tell them when a plural subject is the focus, we use a plural verb but It + be remains singular.

(Justification: Embedding the grammar points into a mind game will make the class more interesting when they can pick up the new knowledge while sorting out of a detective case.)

Step 3: Practice

Ask them to finish the exercise I have prepared for them.

Then I will show them a sentence: I met two old friends in the school park last week. And 

ask them to focus on different information in this sentence and rewrite them down.

An example will be prepared for them:

It was I who met two old friends in the school park last week.

(Justification: The first task is to make sure that students can actually master different grammar points of it-cleft sentences. And the second task is to help students to use it more skillfully. )

Step 4: Production

Divide them into groups 4 and ask them to work out a full case report of the above case. 

Later invite different groups to make a report speech in front the class.

(Justification: This can train their speaking ability as well as their logical thinking ability.)

Step 5: Summary and homework

Invite 1 student to summarize what we have learned today, and another one to add up.

Ask students to write down a short paragraph under any topics (3 sentences at least).

(Justification: This is to help my students have a bigger picture of what have learned today and help them to write with it-cleft sentences purposely.)

IV Blackboard design

V Teaching Reflection















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